Losing weight is the most common good resolution at the beginning of the New Year, and consequently the counting and saving of calories starts! Did you already know? If you eat breakfast, you consume fewer calories distributed throughout the day!
“Breakfast – the most important meal of the day” – has always been a controversial topic, especially since there are also different expert opinions and observational studies. On the one hand, the team “no breakfast – a no-go” argues that a balanced breakfast stimulates the metabolism and provides the body with the energy it needs to start the day efficiently and focused. Furthermore, you can prevent cravings and thus avoid constant “snacking”. This is saving calories in a simple way and at the same time being prepared for the challenging daily working life.
On the other hand, the “omit the breakfast” team believes that it is easier to maintain your weight with no breakfast. In addition, longer fasting breaks (intermittent fasting) should give the body and organs more time for recovering and regenerating. This can also have a positive effect on blood pressure, blood sugar and blood fat levels.
In Germany, one in three adults leave the house without breakfast, not because they play in the “omit the breakfast” team, but simply because they don’t get it.