
Zest Nutrition, 132 Atkinsons Rd, Bli Bli QLD
Sunshine Coast4560




Horaires de travail


12:00 - 14:30


12:30 - 14:30


09:00 - 17:00


11:00 - 14:30







Contactez-nous !

Quel est le meilleur moment pour vous joindre ?

Information sur le conseiller

Zita is a qualified nutritionist, chef, life coach and fitness coach. 

She has been a Metabolic Balance Coach since 2019.                                       Her qualifications include an Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Medicine, an Advanced Diploma in Cordon Bleu Cooking, Cert III in fitness, Metafit and Metapwr coach and NLP Practitioner. 

She has a deep seated love for food and nutrition, coming from growing up in a restaurant. She is passionate about helping her clients lose weight and heal with real food. In her experience, health is about more that just food, so Zita also helps her clients with mindset, food psychology and enjoying delicious food, to really enable her clients to change their lifestyle and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 



À propos

Zest Nutrition is working out of Our Space in Nambour, on a Wednesday and other days are online. Our Space is one of 3 beautifully restored heritage Queenslander buildings. It is a hub of health. These buildings used to be the sugar mill residential homes. The clinic is the middle building, nestled in a tranquil garden setting.   

Zest Nutrition also helps clients in an online setting on Monday's, Tuesday's and Thursday's. 

5-7 Mill Street, Nambour, 4560, QLD

Clause de non-responsabilité :

page d’accueil personnelle et informations du conseiller Cette page d'accueil est un sous-domaine du site Internet fourni par Metabolic Balance GmbH & Co. KG (« Metabolic Balance »). Elle est mise à la disposition de chaque conseiller Metabolic Balance pour qu’il y présente les informations d’affaires relatives à sa pratique privée. Metabolic Balance n'est pas responsible de l'exactitude, de la fiabilité ou de l'actualisation des informations fournies par le conseiller désigné ou par toute autre source externe.

Les détails de cette clause de non-responsabilité peuvent être lus ici.